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Installing solar since 2018
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# reviews since 2018
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
5.0Price as quoted
5.0On schedule
5.0Installation quality
5.0After sales support
5.0phamdp | Santa Ana, California | 04/10/2018
Very satisfied customer
This company is very professional and we are very pleased to do business with them. They are prompt, good with communications and follow through with all their promises. We consulted 2 other solar companies before deciding to go with Baker.
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517 Mercury Street, Raleigh NC, 27603
3107 Kitty Hawk Rd, Wilmington North Carolina, 28405
517 Mercury St, Raleigh North Carolina, 27603
4700 Nations Crossing Rd, Charlotte North Carolina, 28217
7922 Industrial Village Rd, Greensboro North Carolina, 27409
48 Emma Sharp Rd, Mills River North Carolina, 28759
7620 Southrail Rd, North Charleston South Carolina, 29420
78 Triangle Dr, Weyers Cave Virginia, 24486
1800 Battery Dantzler Ct, Chester Virginia, 23836
105 Tennessee Way, Hendersonville Tennessee, 37075