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Installing solar since 1975
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# reviews since 2019
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
5.0Price as quoted
5.0On schedule
5.0Installation quality
5.0After sales support
5.0artebarbara | Londonderry, VT | 04/03/2019
Full Service/Solution and Great Team
We purchased our house in September 2016 and moved there full time in June 2017. It’s an old (1796) house and had no insulation to speak of. The “heating” system included an inefficient propane forced hot air furnace which pumped the hot air through duct work in the uninsulated stacked stone basement. Insulation and replacing the heating system were high on the list of things to do. We’d discussed solar for a long time during our search for the perfect house and both of us were committed to using renewable and very efficient energy sources. With all of that as background we began searching out contractors who could deliver what we needed. In all of this I kept hearing my father’s voice who would tell us as children that “A little information was a dangerous thing”. I came for an environmental background and Arte from construction so we had some information and a basic understanding of how some of these systems worked but it was ISA that brought it all together. From the first visit Katrina listened to what we wanted to do and offered suggestions and solutions. The house has a tennis court that we’d targeted as a place for a vegetable garden. Early on in our conversations Katrina pointed out that it was perfectly orientated for solar. Now the panels and the future garden share the space. We knew we’d be managing a number of other contractors so it was a big point for ISA that they offered a full service solution. There are any number of solar providers out there but for a system like the one we envisioned we wanted a contractor who could engineer a solution for us, explain it in terms we understood, and integrate all the moving parts so they worked together the first time. I want to mention the ISA team. They were the nicest bunch of people, professional, hardworking, and easy to work with. Arte took on some of the demo and worked with Jennings, one of the ISA installers. Between Jennings and Arte they were able to fish the lines for the 5 inside units of the cold climate heat pump system through the old house with minimal demo. Communication was another area where ISA excelled. Katrina and I exchanged email all the time, questions were answered, information was provided, all in all a great job. We highly recommend ISA! Now that everything is installed, all of the contractors are gone and we have had an opportunity to review the past six months we can both say we are very pleased with how it all tuned out. It went to -6 last night and the cold climate heat pumps kept us warm.
read more121 Spring Tree Road, Brattleboro VT, 05301
121 Spring Tree Rd, Brattleboro VT, 05301
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