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Installing solar since 2006
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# reviews since 2021
A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.
Sales Process
4.0Price as quoted
4.0On schedule
4.0Installation quality
3.0After sales support
3.0Heidi | Lincoln, Nebraska | 01/13/2022
Zero Pressure, 100% Satisfied
I was referred to SWT Energy by a friend who got solar panels from them a few years ago and knows Randy. He answered all my questions and was super helpful. They handled everything from start to finish and even helped me get a rebate from the utility! It was an outstanding experience, they were professional and very polite. I couldn't be happier with the solar and the Tesla Powerwalls they installed. Everything works as it should.
read moreRoger Day | Lincoln, Nebraska | 08/10/2021
Refuse to resolve problems with leaks
SWT Energy installed solar panels on our roof in April 2018. Beginning after the heavy snow in February 2021, leaks began to appear on many parts of our ceiling on that side of the house. SWT owners Randy Schantell and Eric Moyer came repeatedly with caulking guns and attempted to seal the leaks, but more spots continued to appear with each rain. We contacted two highly rated roofing companies and they, plus the house inspector Randy hired and the roofing and solar installation company we've contacted to do the necessary repairs all agree that the SWT installation had several problems that led to the leaks. Mr. Moyer's response now denies responsibility and offers no recourse short of the courts.
read moreResidential solar - Grid tied
Commercial solar - Grid tied
Solar hot water sales and installations
Solar pool heating sales and installations
Residential solar - Hybrid solar systems
Energy monitoring
8800 S 55th Street, Lincoln NE, 68516
8800 S 55th St, Lincoln NE, 68516
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